Paste the codes in /system/core/controller.php and /system/core/model.php instead.
I use eclipse helios and codeigniter 1.7.2 and php5
- Create a new eclipse php project, choose project at existing location and choose path/to/codeigniter/system. I mean path to the codeigniter folder.
- edit codeigniter/Base4.php
and insert the following before the constructor
* @var CI_Config
var $config;
* @var CI_DB_active_record
var $db;
* @var CI_Email
var $email;
* @var CI_Form_validation
var $form_validation;
* @var CI_Input
var $input;
* @var CI_Loader
var $load;
* @var CI_Router
var $router;
* @var CI_Session
var $session;
* @var CI_Table
var $table;
* @var CI_Unit_test
var $unit;
* @var CI_URI
var $uri;
* @var CI_Pagination
var $pagination;
ReplyDeleteCan you please explain to me how to integrate the auto-completion with CodeIgniter 2.0.1.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, how to implement this in codeigniter with HMVC pathern?
For auto-completion HMVC pattern insert above code of this article in file Controller.php in your application/third_party/MX folder inside of class MX_Controller. Then $this->load->view,model worked if your inherit your controller from MX_Controller!
ReplyDeleteMore simple method: create in the project root folder ex. autocomplete and in this folder create file controller.php with content
class MX_Controller {
* @var CI_Config
var $config;
* @var CI_DB_active_record
var $db;
* @var CI_Email
var $email;
* @var CI_Form_validation
var $form_validation;
* @var CI_Input
var $input;
* @var CI_Loader
var $load;
* @var CI_Router
var $router;
* @var CI_Session
var $session;
* @var CI_Table
var $table;
* @var CI_Unit_test
var $unit;
* @var CI_URI
var $uri;
* @var CI_Pagination
var $pagination;
It's all, autocompletion Codeigniter with HMVC pattern work!
Thanks! works like a charm
ReplyDeleteVery simple and it works!
ReplyDeleteHere's a really great way to do it with netbeans 7, codeigniter 2.* and HMVC .. read comments I put in the file http://pastebin.com/Qq60nENj
ReplyDeleteI use Codelobster for CodeIgniter