Monday, April 12, 2010

gopages - my simple web framework for Go Programming Language

I'm used to php way of coding web pages where you embed your codes in <?php ?> tags. So I'm trying to emulate such feature in Go with gopages.

You can visit the project home at

All comments are welcomed.


  1. Dear Abiola,

    I tried to use the gopages example, but it seems it is not working with me. I have reached the part where you run gopages in your terminal and I received this message "generated 2 gopages", I assumed this is correct. But, by proceeding to the next step, which was to run ./main, nothing seems working, as this command didn't work, so I replace it with ./main.go and I have received many errors and that means that the file can't be executed. I can't definetly view anything on http://localhost:9999, since the ./main fail .. can you please get back to me asap ..

    I will be waiting for your kind reply ..

  2. maybe u should try to run it with "gopages -run". that will automatically run the resulting executable. if it still fails, try mailing me with the contents on your main.go file.


  3. > I'm used to php way of coding web pages where you embed your codes in tags.

    90% wrong way to go (and who told you it is realy php-way?)

    this is nice for web1.0, but it is just too bad in web2.0 (it makes code too complex: if model and view are separated - it's better for you)

    see MVC and php frameworks such as cake, symphony etc
